Larry Flynt | Free Speech Activist

"If you're not going to offend somebody, you don't need the First Amendment."

- Larry Flynt

Larry Flynt


Porn-Apocalypse: The business of porn is going out of business

Porn is everywhere, except in the porn capital, Los Angeles. Pornographers try to stay relevant at a time when the internet is giving it away for free.
The saturation of free porn on the internet means “The Valley” is losing its once very profitable industry. Throw the condom law into the mix and they’re really in trouble. Who wants to buy a DVD or order a movie on their cable system when they can call up porn on their computer free of charge?

Charlie LeDuff talks to industry insiders Ron Jeremy, Larry Flynt and Steve Hirsch about the future of porn. Play the video in the player to see a full report in this edition of The Americans with Charlie LeDuff.

Porn has gone mainstream. Estimates say there are as many as 4-million internet sites dedicated to porn. One study says as many as 90% of young American men and 60% of young American women have watched porn. It’s a billion dollar industry, that’s why people make it. But with small town ‘Scorsese’s” giving it away for free on the internet, Los Angeles based porn executives, like Vivid Entertainment’s Steve Hirsch are trying to adjust.


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